Click on your MathForm bookmark to make sure you have the latest version (be6e436ca1).

Quick Usage (Google Forms)


Quickly use MathForm by dragging the following link into your bookmarks.

Then go to a Google Form, and click the bookmark.

Enter URL

If you don't want to add a bookmark to your bar, you can copy/paste the code in.

Copy the following. Go to the tab with your form, and replace the url with javascript:. Then paste the following in, and hit enter.

javascript:(function(e,a,g,h,f,c,b,d){if(!(f=e.jQuery)||g>f.fn.jquery||h(f)){c=a.createElement("script");c.type="text/javascript";c.src="//"+g+"/jquery.min.js";c.onload=c.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!b&&(!(d=this.readyState)||d=="loaded"||d=="complete")){h((f=e.jQuery).noConflict(1),b=1);f(c).remove()}};a.documentElement.childNodes[0].appendChild(c)}})(window,document,"1.11.2",function($,L){var inDev = false; var commit = "be6e436ca1"; var subdomain = inDev ? "" : "cdn."; var path = inDev ? "master" : commit; var loaded = function(){window.mathForm = new MathForm($); window.mathForm.render("mathQuill").subdomain(subdomain).path(path).google("[Math]")}; $.getScript("https://"+subdomain+""+path+"/build/MathForm.js").done(loaded); });